Friday, February 24, 2012

Spring Fresh

Yesterday Dylan and I made yummy smelling perfume! It's so easy and there's a number of different ways to do so. One way, is to boil small increments of water and drop in the oils you want, and then let them fuse together. Another is to mix the oils with some form of alcohol, specifically Vodka. We've successfully made deodorant sprays with the boiling water technique but yesterday Dylan made mine simply with bottled water.

First we went to Down To Earth in Downtown Wilmington (which is the best place in town to shop for anything relating to smells!) and got some Coconut, Nag Champa, and Peppermint Eucalyptus oils. You can use any mix of oils you like. I wouldn't suggest just using one oil though because you wouldn't have much depth to your fragrance.

Next we added a few droplets of each into a previously used perfume bottle. Any spray bottle would work! Be sure not to dump all of your oils in; a tiny bit goes a very long way.

Test the smell to see if you think it's lacking anything.

Fill it up with water, shake it, and  voila! (Side note: Avoid using sink/tap water. We only used a little bit and the quickly realized that bottled water was much better.)

Shake it up well before you use it and done! It smells fantastic! Very beachy, but my favourite part is the little kick of peppermint in it. Also, because it's only water and essential oils, it's safe to put on your skin as opposed to all of the extra chemicals in commercial perfume products. Not to mention, I put some of it in my hair last night and check out how deliciously curly it was today:

Pretty exciting. I highly encourage you all to make some creations of your own and I'd love it if you shared your own recipes on here for others!

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