Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DIY: Infinity Scarf

Although Spring is well on it's way and quite a relief from the cold weather, it still has its chilly days! So, the best way to stay warm with style is definitely a scarf that you can just throw on when you're cold and throw off when it heats up. I love infinity scarfs, but I cannot believe how expensive they are, especially when I know how easy it is to make myself! It's so simple:

All you'll need is 60 inches of fabric, fabric scissors, measuring tape, pins, and a needle and thread.
Measure 60 inches long, and 9-12 inches wide from the fold. (Lengths/widths may vary according to your preference)
Cut the fabric straight down the edge, NOT along the fold.
Pin the edges together, and sew a 5/8" seam down the long side of the fabric.
Once you're finished sewing, your scarf should like like the picture above. 
Next, pull the scarf right side out, so that the seam is on the inside.
Now, this part may be confusing, but have faith! With the seam in the middle facing towards you, begin to turn the scarf inside out, but stop when the edges meet. Now the inside seam should be showing again. You want to line up the seam at the top holes so that the scarf doesn't twist.
Next, sew a 5/8" seam around the top, but leave 1-2 inches open, so that you can pull your scarf right-side-out.
Be sure to backstitch so the seam doesn't come out. Almost there!
Pull the scarf right-side-out through the hole. This may be frustrating if your hole is too small 
for the fabric to be pulled through. Don't pull too hard or you'll tear the fabric/seam.
Once you've pulled your scarf right-side-out, blind stitch the hole up with your needle and thread.
And you're done!
Stay warm! xoxo

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