Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Carving Bark

Finally the warmth has come to stay! I've been a busy bee. School, work, other tedious obligations. You all know that sob story. A quick update on my life:

I'm doing summer school (mleh), but it's only a month long! However it's really hard and I'll probably cry once a day but it's okay. I'll be graduating in December, a whole semester early (holler praise Jesus).

As for work I'm going on year three as a maid on a few of the islands around town. It's really great, but I only say that when I'm not working. It's kind of like in Blue Crush where they all make fun of the wealthy people they clean for, eat their food, but then also have to clean up the post-wedding party vom off the bathroom floor. So you win some and you lose some.

I haven't really shot much since shooting with Lindsay Benton, but I've got a fun lil somethin' somethin' planned for the next week or so with a 70s-Lords-of-Dogtown-beach fox, so that's exciting. I've had some inspiration brewing the past few months via my artistically inclined peers and the sun shining a little brighter and I'm really feeling drawn to some new projects. If I'm going to be drowning in schoolwork I might as well make pretty things while I procrastinate doing it!

A few Sunday's ago Dylan and I walked the trail in Poplar Grove Plantation because it was too gorgeous not to. I had missed the warm breeze and toasted skin of last Spring. I felt so relieved to have it back. Everything's so green and fresh. My bedroom windows have officially been opened for the Summer. It's been a good first few weeks of the season.


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